@if($data->previous_club_2!='') @endif @if($data->previous_club_3!='') @endif @if($data->references_1_name!='' || $data->references_1_phone!='' || $data->references_2_phone!='' || $data->references_2_phone!='') @if($data->references_1_name!='' || $data->references_1_phone!='') @endif @if($data->references_2_name!='' || $data->references_2_phone!='') @endif @endif @if($data->work_history!='') @endif @if($data->photo_2!='' || $data->photo_3!='') @endif @if($data->video_link_1!='') @endif
CV - {{$data->first_name}} {{$data->last_name}}
Full Name: {{$data->first_name}} {{$data->last_name}} @if($data->photo_1!='') @endif
Preferred Position: @foreach($preferred_position as $k) {{$k['position_name']}}
Other Positions: @foreach($position_played as $k) {{$k['position_name']}}
Date of Birth: {{$data->dob}}
Passport: {{$data->passport_1}}
Height: {{$data->height}}
Weight: {{$data->weight}}
Career Highlights:
Career Highlight 1: {{$data->previous_club_1}}, {{$data->previous_club_1_start_year}}-{{$data->previous_club_1_end_year}}
Career Highlight 2: {{$data->previous_club_2}}, {{$data->previous_club_2_start_year}}-{{$data->previous_club_2_end_year}}
Career Highlight 3: {{$data->previous_club_3}}, {{$data->previous_club_3_start_year}}-{{$data->previous_club_3_end_year}}
Key Attributes: Excellent run, catch, pass skills Ability to ID space Goal kicking and from hand Ability to play 10 and 15 to a high standard Good communicator and organiser Excellent run, catch, pass skills Ability to ID space Goal kicking and from hand Ability to play 10 and 15 to a high standard Good communicator and organiser Excellent run, catch, pass skills Ability to ID space Goal kicking and from hand Ability to play 10 and 15 to a high standard Good communicator and organiser Excellent run, catch, pass skills Ability to ID space Goal kicking and from hand Ability to play 10 and 15 to a high standard Good communicator and organiser Excellent run, catch, pass skills Ability to ID space Goal kicking and from hand Ability to play 10 and 15 to a high standard Good communicator and organiser Excellent run, catch, pass skills Ability to ID space Goal kicking and from hand Ability to play 10 and 15 to a high standard Good communicator and organiser
Strength and Conditioning Testing Results:
Yoyo Test: {{$data->yoyo_test}}
Bench Press: {{$data->bench_press}}
Squat: {{$data->squat}}
References 1: {{$data->references_1_name}} | Ph: {{$data->references_1_phone}} | Email: {{$data->references_1_email}}
References 2: {{$data->references_2_name}} | Ph: {{$data->references_2_phone}} | Email: {{$data->references_2_email}}
Work History: {!! nl2br(e($data->work_history)) !!}
@if($data->photo_1!='') @endif @if($data->photo_2!='') @endif  
Videos Link: